Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
to my newbies...
what a pleasant surprise today
i checked my email and have new comments
thank you is all i can say
i dont even think, really, when i write these
they just come out
like my fingers are just moving
thank you thank you thank you my new readers
your words mean a lot
i tried to stay positive during christmas
tried to think of him laughing and opening gifts or eating the paper
watching my nephew who is only a little older, i think a month or so...
i thought of him
i thought of aiden
i thought of joe and rick laughing with him
and how thankful they must be to have a "family" this year
and while my heart and body ached this year
thoughts of their happines made the pain a little less harsh
i think my illness, the flu, or whatever i had could have been due to the gut wrenching crying i did on chrismas eve
after the kids went to bed, i wrapped and built and then just stared at the tree lights....blurred by tears...
but i was ok
i am ok
these next few weeks are going to be really hard for me
i am anitcipating the visit i am going to have with him
jan 17th
i am going to see him
to hold him again
and again, have to give him back
i am sure the visits will get easier as the years pass....but please
say a little prayer for me
that in the month to come...that i hold it together
i am sure i will
on the outside
but i am scared, nervous, excited....
and really mixed up...
just keep me in your thoughts...please
i am not backing out of this visit!
Monday, December 22, 2008
i just thought i would blog this
last week, i had some female problems and was rushed into magee er
everything is fine,
but it didnt even dawn on me until leaving the building
i hadnt been there since i left aiden...
and it came rushing over me like a huge wave of emotion
that feeling
of stepping off of that elevator
with my legs weak
tears flowing uncontrolably and the nurse in the elevator holding me
i loved her
she sat with me every night there..
she wasnt a nurse...she was the blood pressure lady
but she stayed to walk me out
asking me if i was sure..
the lump returned
i sat in the lobby...
looking at the big windows
and i never wanted out of one place so much in my life
Saturday, November 29, 2008
wish you were here
the day fo aidens birth
and on feb 2
i dont know what i am going to do
i think i will save money and shop
and clean
and i dont fucking know
i was reminded again last night of him
going through christmas pictures,
my pregnant belly
i thought no one would see
and some really probably didnt...
cause they are too caught up in them selves to notice
but i looked
and i remember how i just wanted it to be over
and now i long for him to be back in there
feeling him kick
and holding my belly
i rearranged my closet
and there it was
the box
do you know that i can still smell him on that hat
looking at that pacifier
i almost fell to the floor last night
holding that blanket to my face
i actually held the cloth that i wiped my mascarad tears with
i hate that box and i would like to have someone that is close to me
keep it for me
i dont want to throw it away,
but i cannot have it in my house anymore
i sat and looked at all the pictures from the hospital
and i felt the room closing in on me
i lose my breath
i can feel me heart beating
and i am numb
he doesnt even know me
and i dont know what i am doing
do i just get rid of everything
i wish i could get rid of all this shit in my head
all of it
but most of all
i wish he was here
all the time
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
happy first thanksgiving
lucas aiden
happy first thanksgiving....
i am thinking of you
and i am missing my own as they spend the day with their dad
i am thinking of you
i am thinking of you
happy thanksgiving
rick and joe,
please hug him for me
give him an extra kiss and hug
tell him i love him
and gobble gobble...
happy thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
i dont know
i have been thinking a lot of aiden today...
i sent the dads an email
i want to see him
and i decided to do it before the first birthday...
i dont think i can handle letting him go again on the same day just one year later
and in that same thought...
i am fearing groundhog day
yep that is the day he was born
so anyway
i am scared
and i am getting these sick feelings when i think of seeing him
like actually painful stomach pains
and i am scared
but it is something i have to do for myself
i have been crying a lot lately
thinking of him alot more than i did
wishing i had seen him throughout this year
why am i always regretting?
i am such a what if i did this type of person
and it drives me crazy
i am going crazy lately....
i dont know what is wrong with me
Sunday, November 9, 2008
his little voice
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
i have been doing a lot of thinking
thinking of why
thinking of why i did this....
why i dont think about him
why i block him out
and when i let him in
i ache
why no one knows about this beautiful baby
why do i hate myself so much
why why
i could go on and on
i put myself out here
all my thoughts and fears and feelings....
all for the hope that someone may try to understand how i feel
i get mixed emotions from people
lots of hate
lots of "what kind of person are you...
you are no mother...
what kind of mother...."
so i need to vent
and here i go
i am a good mother
i may not have tons of money and my kids may not have tons of vacations, and trips to the mall and i may yell alot
but i am here
my lap and my heart and my ears and arms are always open for them
we talk about everything
any questions they have
i answer honestly
we play and laugh
and sometimes we all fight and cry
but i love them
and the love they have for me is overwhelming
i am not a bad mother because i gave aiden away
i loved him enough to know that alot of people would have never loved him like i do
i loved him enough to give him to two parents that longed for a child and may have thought they were never gonna have one...
he made them a family
he has a family
and maybe i say these things because i am trying to convince myself
i dont know
all i know is that today i am wreck
i want him here crawling on my floor
crying for me
i want to be going crazy with laundry and kids and caos
(not that i am not already)
but i geuss i just want to be alright
i want everyone to leave me the fuck alone
and realize that your words hurt me
that i hurt everyday because i dont have him
and all you are doing is making it worse
do you know that?
my anonymous commenter
i am hurting
and i am crying again and i hate you
and i cannot wait for the day when i find out who it is
are you that cruel of a person to bring up feelings like this
i know what i did
i know
i know
we all know
i miss him every single fucking day of my life
i regret so much
everyday of my life
and i cant do it anymore
i am begging you
please leave me alone
please let me move on
Thursday, October 23, 2008
my little ground hog day baby
i felt it again
his breath
my tears
the pain
i didnt know it could still be so fresh
i ache for him
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
eight months ago.......
eight months old
as much as i dont want to think about him anymore
my dreams are filled with him
i have been waking up with that lump in my throat lately
and having to hold back
i dont want to cry anymore
i dont
look at his little feet
i want to see him
to touch him
but the thought of the pain of having to leave him again is so overwhelming, that i am scared i am never going to want to see him...
i loved him enough to give him this wonderful life he has
at least that's what i keep telling myself
oh well
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
no i didnt
trying to stay away
from everything
out of site out of mind
i wish it worked that way
i did not go see aiden
i was sick to my stomach for the weeks before and now
i just feel like i have let him down
as i have many others in my life time and again
i just couldnt bring myself to touch him again
to go through that pain again
yeah probably
i think of him more now than ever
wondering if he is clapping, sitting, crawling
wondering if he is wants my arms to hold him
the first hand that touched his...
it rips me apart daily
i hate this
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
get it out
you all dont like to hear the truth
the feelings i have
then dont come here
dont read this page
cause it feels like i am at a stand still
i will talk about it
type about it
i just dont know how to move on
in my alone time
all i do is think of him
and i think of josh
how he must feel
he has no idea about aiden...
about how i feel
but i feel the same of him
i just never ever talked about it
no one does
it just happened
i wonder if he ever wants to be here
with me
with his brothers and sisters
i wonder
i wonder why i dont talk to him about it
brushed under the rug
the way most of my problems throughout my life, from as long as i can remember
have been taken care of
not talked about
i dont want him to be like that
to not talk
just get it out
i just have so much regret
i just dont know how to let go
of it all
i dont know
just babbling now
blah blah blah
dont mind me.....
Friday, June 6, 2008
remember this
and this rough week i have had...
i just want to crawl into a whole and sleep....
just sleep
i dont want to eat
i dont want to be awake...
i would love 24 hours of darkness....
talking to her last night made me not only realize that i was wrong to give him away
but now i will never have him back
i will get my visits
and now i have to press on
can someone tell me how to do this
i am much better with direction or and instructional pamphlet
my hands are shaking and i have tears streaming
it is such a helpless fucking helpless
ok....and one side note
if you are going to comment on my blogs
i welcome you good and bad...
but put your fucking name on it...
not you know who
michelle it is ok to comment on here...
mom you too
just let me know that it is you
for sure
i am tired of getting all these comments about how i need to be ok for my kids...
do you think for one second they see me cry or hurt or any of it.....they dont
i am leaving this go for a while...enjoy the HOT weather and my space from all of you....
just leave this alone
this has been turned into something that it should not be
remember when reading...
remember that
Wednesday, June 4, 2008 still hurts
i cant stand it, sometimes, that this page even exists
or that i had to have one
or that.....
i hate every day that he is not with me
i hate myself
for letting others influence any of my thoughts
and i hate
at the end of the day
i cannot make this ok
i cannot get him back
i just want to say
can i have him back now
i m his mother
i made a horrible decision
i can barely look at myself in the mirror anymore
it is not getting better
it is the same
if not worse
out of site out of mind
neither is the pain
no one understands it
and no one EVER will
stop pretending to care
stop trying to get close to me
to use this situation to try to bond with me
i am so tired of everyone using this baby
this adopotion to get to me
i dont like me anymore
how can a mother give up her son
the race card is old
i hate that i even began to think i understood that reason
because he is black....he couldnt be loved
and i hate that i gave into the concept of no one else could love him
accept him
well fuck you
fuck all of you that couldnt
i love him
i could have loved him enough for everyone that didnt
and what
he would have been looked at differently in school
what school
not woodland hills
not anywhere
i am so mad at myself for listening to all of you
but most of all
for letting myself make a life changing decision
one that i will never be able to make right
this is a loss like no other
i wish for one fucking second that one of you could feel the hollowness that i endure daily
and people have the balls to ask whats wrong
I have a son that i miss more than you could ever imagine
he is with two men that dont even care if i am here or not
they sure did talk a good game
i gave him a name that he will never know
a name he will never be called
he will never call for me
so to answer all your questions and concerns....
it still fucking hurts
the more time that passes, the bigger the ache becomes
and there is no amount of therapy
or medicine
that is going to take that away
i want him back
everyday i regret
i hate it
Friday, May 23, 2008
just an update
i rarely talk to rick
joe calls every now and again to see how i am doing
but it seems, now that they have all the legal stuff
and medical bills paid for .....
contact is minimal
oh well i geuss that is the way this thing goes
i am glad that they call at all
i dont
i dont call at all
i am afraid of hearing him
or just feeling like i am interrupting
i am going to see him july 19th
i hope i am ok
i am
i just dont like not knowing anything
and everything
not feeding him
or comforting him
like after doctors appointments withshots
or holding him just because
not being the one he cries for
it still hurts
i hide it a lot more now
it aches so much sometimes, i just dont know what to do with myself
i thought writing would help, but they edit the shit out of that....
and it turns out something they want, not what i wrote, or what i felt
so i get pissed at that too....
i miss him everyday
i can still feel his breath in my dreams
see his little hand holding mine
i geuss i will always miss him...
Monday, May 12, 2008
Just in case.....
For Jenn
Today , the day before Mother's Day... I want to take a moment to reflect on an intense experience I was a part of this year. It is an extra special day for me to observe and an intense recognition for one person in my life and it is important to me to take the time to do so.Happy Mother's Day to my incredible friend Jenn.I think of you everyday but today and tomorrow especially as we celebrate: yes I did say celebrate. All that you have brought to this world, all you have brought to another family's life, all the difficult choices made that I know you still struggle with today. I embrace it with you because I know... I know... that the struggle can be overwhelming and dark.When there is nothing left to do but embrace it.. I will grasp it with both arms and squeeze with you.I know today is special for you in a way much different from tomorrow's celebration. I smile with you remembering what a special time it was to be invited to share. For Aiden, for you. :) Have a beautiful and happy day. I am proud of the person you are, have always been and are becoming. Each day chisels out a new piece of my oldest and dearest friend. For being simply my friend I thank you. For being so real , the world thanks you.Love ,d
my true blue friend...
she called me saturday
the only one
saturday was Birthmoms Day
little meaning to most...
to me
just made me think of him ...
i cry still
i struggle daily
saturday was hard......
i love debs words and i am typing this through tears
thank you debby
because without her, i dont know how i would be getting through most of the minutes of the day
even though sometimes i fall of the earth for a few days, i know when i come back...
she is there
waiting for an update
ready to hold on to me if i am ready to collapse
and always a funny word or two to make me laugh....
i love ya deb
3 moths old
Monday, May 5, 2008
nothing much new
for the adoption web site
and also the newsletter they mail out to birthmoms and women that are pregnant looking for families to adopt..but arent sure...
i am proud of the piece i wrote...
i was terribly nervous to submitt it...
i took it from this web site and elaborated on it
my true feelings.
putting myself out there...
even with this blog..i get a lot of responses good and bad....
so i am anxious to see what is to come
i am very proud of it and will let you all know when it is published...
i am actually getting paid for this..
it is monthly
my own column...
i don't have a title yet
they want me to come up with one quickly
mky next post will be about "Birthmoms Day"
it is saturday
the day before mothers day
it is actually celebrated ....
we shall see what happens
what kind of mood i am in...etfc
i want to say one thing
i dont publish all of the comments that get sent to me on this web site...
only the ones i want all can see
but i want to thank all of you that keep checking back
all of you that comment ....the good and the bad
it lets me know, sort of with out having to say it...all of you are in my corner...
love you guys
Monday, April 28, 2008
almost three months old
so this is the latest..
i think we are finally done with all the legal hoopla...
even though i am totally disgusted with the process....why i had to be involved with any of the "after" paper work is beyond me...but i did and i did it with no complaint to them...
i hate that most of the people invloved think that i am stupid...that i dont know my rights in all of this...or think that i do not know how to communicate like a human...or should i say an educated adult
oh well...
i geuss that is the role that i played
poor white girl got knocked up by some looser and left for ......DUMB?
oh well....ill jump through whatever hoops i gotta ....
not going to risk my relationship with him ..
aiden...lucas....with his daddy.....april....almost three months old...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
sweet little aiden..........
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
train wreck
and the tears can resurface at any time
this morning....
lily was getting into the truck to go to school
and just the way she turned around to look at me
she said
"mom, i really love you"
and then gave me a little smile
i shut the door and broke down
i feel so guilty
like i have missed alot of time with them these past few months
because of the time i have spent sulking
i feel so selfish
and then i feel so guilty for being selfish
i am a train wreck
i havent shed a tear in weeks
and today
like a flood
her little face
his little face
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
happy easter
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
i dont know.....
i have been trying to avoid this page
trying to avoid everything about it
i had a hard weekend..
his first easter
seeing logan, my nephew often reminds me of him...
all their "first's" are the same
so ...
i havent heard how aidens was..
i dont hear from them much
and i geuss that is where i am now
that while i was preggers
well..i heard from the dads all the time..
phone calls
it is almost like they got what they wanted and see ya
they send me pictures when i ask
but it just sucks
i never expected anything in return..nothing
i knew what i was doing
but come on
i mean
i dont know how to explain this without sounding like a spoiled brat
i gave them their family
a life
my son
and well, i would just expect alittle more...
a little more communication
some sense that i am appreciated
i dont know if this is coming out right
i mean
i wonder if they still talk about me
if they still tell him about me
i just dont wanna be faded out
i am gonna stop
i dont want to hurt anyones feelings...
i hate this whole thing
i wish ALL the feelings would go away.......
Thursday, March 20, 2008
the latest
Monday, March 17, 2008
good times are a comin...i can feel it
i geuss working and taking care of aiden ...well i know how being with the kiddos can be
i have been trying not to think of him
focusing on my kids
my house ....
today i actually stripped the kitchen
yesterday i began the excercise routine
i havent ran since last hmmmmmmmmmmmm..... august?
i woke up completely miserable sunday
decided that sunday was the day
found out that i could run the track at good old woody high
off i went
no kids
jareds ipod thingy ( yeah....i dont even have one....mp4.mp3 ... whatever)
so i start off walking..thinking of him
it started to snow
i was alone there
and i started to run
and then all of a sudden
out of no where
the tears
do you know how hard it is to cry and run after having a baby
being fat
not being able to breathe and for some reason
i could not for the life of me control the tears....
and let me tell you...i havent even walked for how long
i ran
i got pissed cause everything started to hurt
and usually i would just quit
i ran
i cried
the pain i felt in my legs....
it was good pain
my lungs hurt
and after i couldnt run anymore
i screamed
i layed in the middle of the soccer field
and let it out
hope no one was trying to come onto the track
..who the hell is this freakish,big ass woman laying and screaming
that was me
my new outlet
fuck being unhealthy..well i havent started changing any foods or anything...
come on step at a time right
and if this means that i get alone time with my thoughts
with no kids
no dj
well, folks..
i may be down to my abercrombie weight in no time
by the way...
i did 2 miles
i cannot walk today
but i did
put collin in the stroller and walked
can anyone say
shin splints
and i feel like someone broke my ribs...
it is a good day
Friday, March 14, 2008
im back
i know how everyone worries and well..
i hooked up the old dinosaur computer
i am doing a lot better
or not
i dont know
i just know that i am not dwelling
that is the first step on my list
not too dwell
i am taking my time in the morning
when all else fails.........breathe
then i go about the day
i have come to terms with the fact that i am never going to get over these feelings
i have to learn how to cope with the hurt
wether it be blogs
i just need to realize i have no control over this one
i cannot hide it
i cannot just put it aside
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
a little update
i am gonna take some time off
i am forced...
soemthing is wrong with the computer...
it is good though
i need to spend time with my laundry and dust bunnies...
i actually got the whole attic cleaned and dusted and sheets washed today.......
~no mom....NOT THE on can see that..lmao
i got an update from the dads
lucas is doing well
he is now over 11lbs
got his first shots
and dad is on his way back to work
paternity leave is over...
maybe now he can get a little tiny speck of what i feel day to day
dj and i talked alot this week about him...for the first time
it felt good.
i am feeling a little better tooo...
still missing him
still wishing i could put that box away..
not yet
not time
its coming though...
there is more laughter than tears
and a lot less laundry!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
thelma and louise
it is so funny that i could sit and type for hours with my bud...
.my firiend of almost 20 years (Or is it longer than that........holy shit i can say i have a friend of twenty plus years..we are getting old) and literlaly laugh so hard and loud
i almost woke the kids
laugh til i almost peed myselfi just had to say..
thank you deb
now i know when i am feeling blue,
i will just remember that we are gonna go to graceland
scream on all the roller coasters
we are gonna get ourselves back....
and when i really need to laugh..
i will justjust think of jaba at the end of the island...
telling his wife how much YOU like to snack,
or us in helmets and harnesses on the tight rope
or the funniest one yet...........i will just think of the fat girl that ate our highschool friend
i love it
you have been with me on this long road and maybe just maybe
with you and our laughter
it may not be so long
thank you for tonight
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
just for me
as far as fine goes...
my kids do not see me cry
they see mom...
they come home, i am usually making their snack.....
they play, we all have dinner together, we do homework and they get bathed and go to bed
everything in their world is just the same
collin and i play cars, watch movies and read books, play, he helps me clean...
i have my computer time in the am while he sleeps...
everything is fine in their world...
i want everyone that reads these blogs to realize...
the thoughts that i share here..
they are feelings that i dump here
they may not last all day
but then again, some do...
i type and leave and usually do not come back to this unless there are comments posted and then i read what i wrote
i cannot say that i feel the same way everyday
i do however have the ache, the lump, the emptiniess all the time....
but do not worry
i am good at hiding things
i have done it all my life
i am good at it
fuck...half of my family didnt even know i was pregnant
that still pisses me off too...
another secret
i had just got out from under all of my secrets...
all of my wrongs were being mended..
everything was going well...
and then....i do that
but...aiden shouldn't be a secret
but god forbid that i upset anyone ..
anyway...that is a whole other issue that i dont wanna get into now......
i just want everyone to know...i dont lay around and cry
if i feel it coming on, or feel like i get emotional..i take it to the bathroom doesnt even know i cry anymore
so family, friends...
set your minds at ease
i dont cry in front of anyone..
my family is fine
my kids are wonderful
i can take care of me
i dont need anyone to do it for me
so stop telling me that my family needs me
just stop
not one of you reading this blog knows what the fuck i am going through
nor can you tell me how much time i should have
let me describe this to you in a way that you may understand
imagine you got pregnant
and the doctor tells you that you can have the baby but he i sick and will be taken away after he is born....
the whole time you are pregnant, you know that you are not going to be the one that takes care of him, or that will be with him, but you will see him occasionally
and you think you are alright..
that you will be fine
then he is born and they lay him on top of you and you look in his eyes
and he is you
then a few days later he is gone forever
and that is the part that hurts alot...
it is literally painful
i dont know how to tell you how i am feeling
all i know is it sucks
and i know that i fucking made this choice..
but shit,
it hurts..
its like a mourning..
so like i have said before....
if you click on the page and read
then you should be happy that i am talking about it
that i am using this page to vent..
to sort through this haze
these feelings that i have never felt before
i used this page to vent
this is for me
this is just mine
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
let me go
collin taking a nap is very unusual and so is the site of my house being clean
so inbetween loads of laundry i am thinking of him today
i am thinking of a lot
why did i do it
why did i let him go
i am a coward
the words "to give him a better life"
did i give lily away to give her a better life
i know the reasons
deep down are true
i know the acceptance thing
i know i would lose my husband
but he is mine
was mine
and these thoughts are really starting to drive me crazy
and everyone keeps giving me things to do to keep my mind off of it...
but i have come to realize today is that
i am not washing his clothes
and when i make koolaid...i should be making bottles
and when i change collins should be changing his
i started to scapbook again ..... should i be doing one for him
i have the box of the things i kept from the hospital
i opened the box and inside was the onesie and hat he wore when he was with me...
the first blanket that he was wrapped in when they gave him to me....
his pacifier that was left on the bed when they took him from me....
my bracelet and i begin again to cry .....
there is a hole in my heart that is just never going to mend
let me go
leave me alone for a while
dont ask if i want to go anwhere because i dont
dont ask if i want to fucking excersise, or go for a walk
because i dont want to
dont fucking ask me if i am ok.....
just leave me hurt so that i can heal
let me cry
and as much as i want to be ok
i cannot let go yet
i dont know why
i need to get some time under my belt before i can just move on..
i dont have the answers this time
no one does
but just listen to me
let me go
so i can let go....
Monday, March 3, 2008
middle feeling?
so i sit here thinking of him
we were at the park today and i thought of him being with us there, in the stroller, enjoying the weather
then i really look at that picture of him
the same as i always do
and for the first time tonight...
i look at someone elses child
and it is a totally different feeling
it is not sad
it is not happy
it still is a hurt
but it is different
i geuss it is a middle feeling
but when i look tonight and look at him, i get pains in my chest
because i realize...he will not know me as my own children do...
not mom
i geuss i am beginning to be ok
as much as it hurts, i am coming to accept it
that i will always have an ache....
my scar...
i just dont know how to explain it......
he is not mine...
but when i see his eyes...i see me
it is like an out of body experience..
i wish i could explain better
i wish i had the right words right now
for my own sanity!
i wish this was easy
i do
but then again...when have i ever made anything in my life easy...
i miss him still
i do
i am a mom
I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom -
I had never been puked on.Pooped on. Chewed on. Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom
I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin
I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put him down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom -
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom -
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom.
i got this in an email today...
it really hit me
you know, i think that i am having such a hard time with this whole thing...cause this is who i am
that is my job
it is what i always wanted to be
it is me
and he was mine and i gave him away
being a mom
it is what i know
it is all i know right now
so all of you reding this blog
please keep these word in mind when you tell me that everything is going to be ok
it s not gonna be for a long time...possibly ever
Sunday, March 2, 2008
i woke up this morning, missing him so much...
the hollow feeling,
lump in my throat..
all due to a horrible dream...
i was there
in the hospital room
holding him
wiping my tears from his face
almost to the point of throwing up
the pain was overwhelming
the clock ticking
"we have to take him now....."
"no, i need a couple minutes..please......please leave me alone.......please"
that was the day he was gone from me
the day i wish so much i could forget
the day that is haunting my dreams...
my days are getting better
not all of them are so dark..
but today is i geuss...
right now is..
moment, by moment, it does get a little brighter
i geuss
Thursday, February 28, 2008
almost a month old.........
almost a month old
some days it doesnt seem that long ago... seems like months...
and then some, just feels like a dream...
i cant believe how much he changes and how cute he is
joe sends me emails all the time
he is at home with him now...he has paternity leave
he doesnt like to take him out to public places much...he is too it is just the two of them at home...
well...not much else to say...
i am ok today
i am feeling tired alot
not sleeping
i am all of a sudden having nightmares and not just about him..
about everyone and everything in my life
i feel like shit
i look like shit
i am worn out
i want a change
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
i cried
i cried hearing the other stories
i cried when they asked me to talk
and i appreciated every second of it
there are other women who have the same feelings i do
who still struggle, 1, 2, 4 ... however many years down the line
and it is ok
they still grieve ...but they live
like the scar
my scar i will carry is still
i have to take care of my wounds you know
and i am
and i will be able to cope with this one day
i get many emails from people who read this blog, some i dont even know
i get many mixed feelings, words of encouragement, critiscism...
but at the end of the day...its just me and my thoughts...
my memory of him
my hopes of new memories to be made with him
i cant imagine a day that i wont thing of him
or a day that i dont cry for him
i love him
and everyday of my life i will regret this decision in a way
story of my life
but in another way...i wont....
seeing them with him, knowing the life they have given him..
only time will tell...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
what is going on
weeding through these feelings...
i hid my emotions yesterday...put all this sadness on the back burner...
played with collin...on his level
made a wonderful dinner..
had fun with my kids...
and feel worse..
i cant stop thinking of the dads
about how much contact we had before the birth
about how much i felt like they really cared
about how much i felt like we had a "special"connection
and about how now, i barely hear from them
and i wonder how they can look at him and not think of me..
i know the lines are hard right now..
but i just almost feel used
it sucks
i gave them a peice of me
my son
i know this is hard...he is with a loving family...
i geuss i am just pissy
debating wether or not to even say anything
and it s not just them
i am angry with so much
that i am not even well enough to keep my sons party scheduled for this week
because i am afraid of bursting into tears...
i am pissed at the dads
i am mad at me most of all for doing it in the first place
for creating this life
that i gave a way
so is this part of the healing
i geuss
i geuss i will just have to see
Monday, February 25, 2008
the newest
wonderful sister
a lot of people like to give me advice or try to say the right thing when they see me....and ..usually, it just irritates me or makes things worse...
megans words were perfect.....
ill give you a little sample...
"~i stress so much about saying the right thing...
like i have miracle words to heal and i realized sometimes there arent words
sometimes it isnt something you need to fix or make better
you just need to learn to cope..
i often think of a cut.
when it first happens, it hurts so much and then it starts to form a protective scab and then finally a scar
i know you are hurting so bad right now and i m not going to say it will be ok~because you and i know it will never be.
but the cut will scab and the scab will scar~but can t and shouldn t be forgotten.
we all have scars and to some degree they tell the story of our life...some you can see and some you cant...."
These words meant so much to me....
i dont expect people to understand what i am going through..
i dont
but when i read her amazed me at how "right" those words are!
I love you sista!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
close your eyes
i found these lyrics is the song that i sang to him over and over...
its not me
its quiet today...snowing
collin is sleeping
and i just looked at that picture...
his eyes
his nose
his hair
he is me....
he is me and i just have this numb feeling today
i want to hold him
i want to so bad that is hurts
and this hurt is so different..
for the past few days i have done what i do best...
i blocked him out...i blocked out this hurt
and yes, i laughed
yes i got out of the house
but today..i geuss i am worse
i dont know how to accept this pain and grow with it
i dont know how to let go
i dont know how to do this....
is there a counselor or someone that is going to tell me
give me a copy of an article that says how to let it all go..
i think not
i have taken all the kind words in
the "you are an awesome person"
"you are selfless"
those words, although they are very kind...
dont mean shit to me right now
because every time i hear , jen you did the right thing, or jen, you are so selfless
in my head i hear..."you are a created a life you could not take care are cruel, this kids is growing up without his mother..."
and believe me it gets much worse
i am getting angry
i am sad
i hurt
i am sick of this is making me insane i think
yes i am ok, because like through my whole life..i have always known the "right"thing to say or do....i may not have always done or said the right thing...but in the back of my mind, i knew ...
but what now
what is the right thing now
yes, i know that i have to take care of my kids, my husband, me
yes, i know i am not supposed to cry in front of them..cause god forbid they know that i hurt..
yes, i know i am suppose to go on with my life..go on with out him...
and that is what hurts
you can all tell me that he will know me, he has to know that he has a mom....
its not the same people
he doesnt have me
i am not there
i am not feeding him
i am not comforting him when he cries
i am not changing him
and most of all
i am not the one that just holds him..just because......just to hold him
it s not me
this is the newest picture of aiden and i had to post it...i cannot believe how alert he is and how much he has changed in such a short time..
i mean ..really, how beautiful is he??????
we decided topencil in july 19th as a first visit date and i am very excited to see him...see how he is...
i have mixed emotions today....but i am alright..he is so beautiful....
Monday, February 18, 2008
i am ok
i am ok..just taking a break from the blog for a while..
i had a great weekend..lauged and everything...
thanks family and friends...
i am ok
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
one more minute
just to have one more day with him..
alone with him..even if it was in the hospital
just to smell him
hold him so he can hear my heart beating...
just one more day.....
i would have stayed longer
i would have told him more
i would have never let him go......
to hold him
god i hate this
i am banning myself from this blog for a while
it is getting harder instead of easier
somedays i have to be reminded to take a shower
and my laundry is piled up to the ceiling
my kitchen floor hasnt seen mr clean in weeks....
i have been consumed in this sorrow...
i am like the tears of a clown...
i can put on a good game face, for other parents, school, friends..
i just dont know how to get out of this
anti depressants are only leveling me out....NOTHING is going to take this pain away
this emptiness
and while sometimes i feel like i am feeling sorry for myself....
i dont know
i am just trying to put one foot in front of the other...
i am tired
i am manic
i dont know who i am anymore
the girl that gave away her baby
the girl that looks in the eyes of her children, knowing they have a little brother out there...
my daughters are just amazed at how the "surgery"is making my belly small....
what are they going to think of me when they get older..
is it going to be that picture of the cute family picnics...with aiden and jared, josh, lily and abby and collin
or are they all just going to hate me for my decision
who knows i geuss
who knows
just thinkin
I am.....I dont know
My little man...
this is the newest
he is very alert....he loves being read to and he is sleeping all night
he must feel comfortable
I hurt so much when i see hime
I missed out on getting to know this beautiful creature........
It hurts so much..its not getting better
when am i just gonna feel ok
when am going to stop crying
when is someone going to stop this pain in my heart
it hurts
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I find it really annoying
Just listen, if you stop by and read..leave me a little hello so i know you were here...
this site is not only for debby and my family..let me put it this way
if you are reading this then i myself gave you the you are family....
Just when you think......
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Just an update
I got an email from the dads and the baby is doing well...they got their clearance and are home in New York...I got pictures of him with his cousin and Gram...they all have so much joy and Aiden..who by the way was a week old yesterday...looks wonderful...
I miss him and love him and like i said before..Seeing him with his family brings me much happiness...i will add pictures later..
Love you all and thank you for your kind words ...even if they are not posted as comments...They mean more to me than you know...
Friday, February 8, 2008
Lucas Aiden....
Just when you think
just a reminder that it is final..
that he is gone.....
that i gave him away....
that someone will love him, already do
but he will not know my love...
my arms...
my touch...
my voice...
I was reading an article and a poem from a birth mom that said something like, she talked to him for her 72 hours in the hospital...hoping that somewhere in his brain, she would inbed her voice, so that somewhere down the line, in a restaurant, a mall, when she spoke, he would recognize her voice...
I can relate
I hoped for the same thing
I still do
I am at a one
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Aiden Update
Other Support
My Mom
She was afraid to touch him, afraid to make even the slightest bond with this little person....her grandson...
I am glad you did mom....I am happy that you were there and got to see how beautiful he is...that you got to look into his eyes, to touch him, you are a part of his life now and will be always...
I know you are scared for me right now and are not sure how to help...and the only thing i can say is..I know i am difficult and i lknow that i am irrational alot lately....just keep doing what you are doing..calling, checking,
You dont know how much you helped me yesterday when you said "he will be loved there unconditionally"..and all of the things that you said to me really made me sit and realize why i decided to do this....
I know that i am gonna have good and bad days...just knowing that i have a mother that loves me no matter what, makes it a tiny bit easier...I love you
These days are hard....
I seem to be doing fine and then in the middle of Gian Eagle i see a new mom with a tiny baby and begin to loose it...had to leave the store
I was trying to get out of the house...get some air and it seems that everywhere i go i am reminded of doesnt take much to get me upset
I am trying people, i am, but like i hurts and i know it is going to for a long time...
Mornings are the hardest for me....all the emotions come flooding back and i cry alot...alot...
it seems that i am dong ok and then someone will call and ask how i am doing.....then i loose it
Just call me to ask how the kids are or if i ant to get out of the house or something.. jsut dont ask how i am
you can read the blog to find out
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
mama said there would be days like this.....
I am hurting right now and i feel like instead of getting better it is getting worse...
Many of you have voiced your opinion to me about being worried i may fall back into the old pattern of my self medicate...
i want to reassure everyone, i will not go down that road...I know that my kids need me sane...and one day when aiden knows me...he needs to hear good things and i dont want to be that person again..
Yes...i am a little mental right now..yes, i am sad a lot...but i am allowing myself to feel these let myself cry, to grieve if you will...
I know that one day i will be happy again...i look at my kids now and i am ...they make me smile...i dont want them to see me cry, because they dont know why....
one day they will understand
the bottom line is .........I know that i made the right choice..aiden will be loved without judgement, unconditionally......
i stand by my choice, yes, but i want everyone to know hurts....let me hurt....let me cry
its ok
Stop The Madness
what am i doing
is aiden crying for me, the mother that abandonded him...that put him in the hand of complete strangers
what if he just wants my arms around him and i am not there
does he just need to hear my heart, lay his little head on my chest to hear my voice to feel me breath......and i am not there
this is torture
i miss his face
i miss his breath
did i do the right thing?