Friday, October 24, 2008


i have been doing a lot of thinking
thinking of why
thinking of why i did this....
why i dont think about him
why i block him out
and when i let him in
i ache
why no one knows about this beautiful baby
why do i hate myself so much
why why
i could go on and on
i put myself out here
all my thoughts and fears and feelings....
all for the hope that someone may try to understand how i feel

i get mixed emotions from people
lots of hate
lots of "what kind of person are you...
you are no mother...
what kind of mother...."

so i need to vent
and here i go

i am a good mother
i may not have tons of money and my kids may not have tons of vacations, and trips to the mall and i may yell alot
but i am here
my lap and my heart and my ears and arms are always open for them
we talk about everything
any questions they have
i answer honestly
we play and laugh
and sometimes we all fight and cry
but i love them
and the love they have for me is overwhelming

i am not a bad mother because i gave aiden away
i loved him enough to know that alot of people would have never loved him like i do
i loved him enough to give him to two parents that longed for a child and may have thought they were never gonna have one...
he made them a family
he has a family

and maybe i say these things because i am trying to convince myself

i dont know
all i know is that today i am wreck
i want him here crawling on my floor
crying for me
i want to be going crazy with laundry and kids and caos
(not that i am not already)

but i geuss i just want to be alright

i want everyone to leave me the fuck alone
and realize that your words hurt me
that i hurt everyday because i dont have him
and all you are doing is making it worse
do you know that?

my anonymous commenter
i am hurting
and i am crying again and i hate you
and i cannot wait for the day when i find out who it is

are you that cruel of a person to bring up feelings like this
i know what i did
i know
i know
we all know

i miss him every single fucking day of my life
i regret so much
everyday of my life
and i cant do it anymore

i am begging you
please leave me alone
please let me move on


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read this and cried. I wish you peace...and for the record, I think you are so strong! You hang in there! I think a great mother is defined by her selflessness, and that is what you have shown! People are so selfish and judgemental in this world. I hope you find the peace you are looking for.