Monday, April 28, 2008

almost three months old

so this is the latest..

i think we are finally done with all the legal hoopla...

even though i am totally disgusted with the process....why i had to be involved with any of the "after" paper work is beyond me...but i did and i did it with no complaint to them...

i hate that most of the people invloved think that i am stupid...that i dont know my rights in all of this...or think that i do not know how to communicate like a human...or should i say an educated adult

oh well...

i geuss that is the role that i played

poor white girl got knocked up by some looser and left for ......DUMB?

oh well....ill jump through whatever hoops i gotta ....

not going to risk my relationship with him ..

aiden...lucas....with his daddy.....april....almost three months old...

1 comment:

carrie said...

jen. i'm sad that you feel like you're being treated like some cog in a wheel of a crappy legal system.

you're not dumb. you're a brave woman with a lot of spirit.

i think of you everyday and i can only hope it gets easier with time.