Sunday, March 2, 2008


did you ever have a dream that you were back to one moment in your life that you dont ever want to be again.......
i woke up this morning, missing him so much...
the hollow feeling,
lump in my throat..
all due to a horrible dream...
i was there
in the hospital room
holding him
wiping my tears from his face
almost to the point of throwing up
the pain was overwhelming
the clock ticking
"we have to take him now....."
"no, i need a couple minutes..please......please leave me alone.......please"
that was the day he was gone from me
the day i wish so much i could forget
the day that is haunting my dreams...
my days are getting better
not all of them are so dark..
but today is i geuss...
right now is..
moment, by moment, it does get a little brighter
i geuss

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