Wednesday, February 13, 2008

just thinkin

i just had to post one more time

I was replying to the email that the dads sent to me

and i was thinking much as i want him here with me

he would never be loved as he is there...

he would always be looked at as "that kid"

and as much love as i could give him, i cannot protect him from that

He is where he belongs....with two people that love him unconditionally.....

That look at him as their own...

From Gods hands..

to my hands..

to yours...

I will always love him....always

But he is where he belongs


ppi said...

That is beautiful, you are beautiful...lucas aiden is beautiful and so are the loving family you picked for him. I think of you and how you are every day....stay made the right decision. Love you mom

Anonymous said...

that was beautiful, you are beautiful, lucas aiden is beautiful and so is the family you picked for him. I think of you and how you are everyday. i love you made the RIGHT decision. love mom